Current Events:
Time marches on and it is 2024 already. I have had several other retellings of fairy tales published in platforms like the Pennsylvania Literary Journal and Quill & Echo. Our daughters are truly young women now—all in their twenties—when only yesterday they were little girls. We hope for further good things in 2024.

Kathleen Murphey teaches composition and literature courses in the English and Humanities Departments at Community College of Philadelphia. She has a Ph.D. in American Civilization from the University of Pennsylvania. She has presented conference papers on the masculinization of female sexuality in popular culture. Examples include “The Porning of High Medieval Fantasy: George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire Series” and “Fifty Shades of Creep: Yet Another Masculinization of Female Sexuality.” Recently, she has started creating fiction (poetry and fiction) trying to give voice to more empowered visions of female and of diverse sexualities. Some of her poems have been published through The Voices Project and Writing in a Woman's Voice. She has three collections of alternative fairy tales, Other Tales and Rainbow Tales (published by JMS Books). Beyond the Witch is an evolving collecton of unpublished fairy tales. She is married and has three lovely daughters who are becoming young women right before her eyes.